I still remembered i requested a testimony from my polytechnic road race coach -
Mr Shang Thia Huat in somewhere early 2006 before i graduated.
Guess what...
Few days back then i got the testimony from my coach...
That's was almost 1 year after i requested from.
Here's the testimony i gotten from my coach -
Mr Shang.
RE: TESTIMONY OF ZHI HUI I have known Zhi Hui since April 2003 when i was the coach of Republic Poly's Road Race Club. Zhi Hui was the Captain of Road Race club from 2003 to 2005 when he led the club and was the advisor for the subsequent captain from 2005 to 2006.
As Captain of the Road Race Club, Zhi Hui was outstanding in his leadership. First, he was a good role model for his fellow runners. He was always punctual for training and would never fail to inform me when he had to be excused from training due to more important commitments in other school events. When he missed a training session, he would make it up when possible. I remembered seeing him doing a 8km run by himself before our training started becuase he had to attend a Student Ambassadors' meeting which clashed with our road race training. Secondly, he takes the inititiave to involve the club in competittion such as the annual Standard Chartered Marathon and the Singapore Athletics Association Cross Country Race so that the runners could train with a purpose of doing well in races. Thirdly, as a mature leader, Zhi Hui saw training as a key towards personal improvement (in achieving better personal timing) as well as personal development (in cultivating values such as discipline, focus and determination).
Besides the appointment of Captain of the Road Race Club, Zhi Hui also held other student leadership appointments throughout his three years in Republic Poly. He was President of the School of Information and Communication Technology Club (2003 - 2004), President of Sports Club (2004 - 2005); and President of Student Ambassadors (2005 - 2006).
Zhi Hui led a very well-round life in Republic Poly. He sought to enrich himself in both academic as well as non-academic domains. For his contributions to the Poly, he was presented several awards. Among them was the 2005 Cultural Excellence Award (Meritorious Service) for his outstanding contribution to the Student Ambassadors. For his academic consistency, he was awarded the Tan Joo Kee Bursary from 2003 to 2006.
Zhi Hui exemplifies an ordinary Singaporean who seeks extraordinary means in life-long learning. Despite being a late bloomer (he was a Normal (Academic) student in secondary school), Zhi Hui has made the most of his Poly life in enriching and developing himself while contributing to the school at the same time. In my opinion, his positive attiude in life is only one of his many qualities. As a leader or a team player, Zhi hui put others before him. I believe he will be asset to any organziation.
Remincise about all the races (
Wing X-Country, Streetwise Run, SAAA X-country, SAAA Road Relay, Barker Challenge, Nike Real Run, IVP and Standard Chartered Marathon) i took part during my 3years polytechnic life... I kinda of miss them so much - all the effort and hard work during our training and the busy life style i used to take.
Me & My Coach @ Wing X-Country @ Turf City
Me & Coach
Me & Coach - Debriefing for the SAAA Road Relay
That's My Team whom we toiled hard for !
That's me, my coach & my vice during IVP 2003
That's my team - Streetwise Run @ ECP
Me and my vice @ Nike Real Run
That's our after race lifestyle @ TPY
That's me dashing towards the ending point during streetwise run...
I would like to take my coach for all his guidance towards me!
All the best to him!